By tapping the icon on the side menu, you can see additional tools. You need to be logged in to use them. They are as follow:
- View List Stats – List Stats allow you to view statistics of your anime/manga libraries such as score distribution (1-10 scale), number of titles for each status, score average and standard deviation, number of episodes or chapters/volumes read, and days spent (anime only).
- Export Lists – This option allows you to view lists that you already export, save it to the iTunes document sharing directory and allow you to upload them to cloud storage or to your Mac via Airdrop. You can also perform exports of Anime/Manga lists to MAL XML or JSON formats as well.
- Reload User Info – Reloads the user information for the logged in account. This is useful if you changed your display name, avatar, or scoring system.
- Reauthorize Account – Allows you to reauthorize your account if Shukofukurou is unable to refresh the token. Account must be the same (MyAnimeList and AniList only)
- What’s New – (2.2 or later) Shows what’s new in the release.