While Hachidori will detect most titles correctly most of the time, there may be cases where titles are not properly detected. To alleviate this, a feature has been added to correct incorrect updates or add titles to the exception list. Detected titles (from media player or stream), Corrected Titles and the associated ID will be stored in the program’s preferences file.
If you feel that the program updated the incorrect title on the list, you can correct this by either clicking the Correct toolbar icon or Last Scrobbled Title > Correct Title
You will be presented with this window. Pick the correct title from the list or do another search. Press OK once you select the right title. Note that corrections are not reversible once they are done.
Also, you can choose to delete the incorrect title from the list on correction if you know it’s incorrect. If it updates a title that is on your list already and not the right title to update, uncheck this opinion. Once done, it will create an exception rule so that Hachidori will update the right file for the title it detects. This can be managed in Preferences.
Note that you can correct new titles before confirming them when the “Confirm new titles before added” option is enabled. By correcting the title, it will automatically confirm the update.
Exception Preferences
Anime Exceptions
In the Anime Selections tab, you can manage these rules. The Add and Remove buttons does what you expect. Add allows you to create a new rule for a detected title from a file or legal stream. Remove deletes a selected row from the list.
Note that you can change the detected title, but you should leave this alone and have the program handle it.
In 1.1, you can specify episode offsets and thresholds for fansub releases that continually number the episodes for the second season.
Other options
- Import – Allows you to import an exceptions rules (in JSON format)
Export – Allows you to export your exception rules (useful if you have multiple computers)
Directory Ignore
This option allows you to add directories you don’t want Hachidori update titles for. You should use this if you are playing video files stored in folders that are not Anime related.
Title Ignore
This option allows you to ignore certain file names you don’t want Hachidori to detect and update (useful for non Anime video files). Note that the rules allow the use of Regular Expressions and are case insensitive. Here are the list of regular expressions supported by the Onigmo Regular Expressions engine used for Hachidori.
In 1.1.5, you can specify which files or titles for Hachidori to ignore from specific sources. This means that you can disable certain sources with regular expressions.